If you are a property owner experiencing problems with whitetail deer and your property is in Fairfax, Loudoun, or Prince William County in Virginia, SWM may be able to help. Our service is FREE to the property owner.
First, you need to contact us. You can do that one of two ways. You can fill out an online application, which is the best method because it gives us some basic information about your property or you can email us at Shortly thereafter, we will contact you by phone to discuss your situation, wants, and needs.
We will send someone out to evaluate your property, and help determine if it is suitable for management. You should contact us if you are having problems with deer even if you think your property is too small to hunt. Often there is a property nearby that may be suitable. Remember the home range of a whitetail may be a mile or more, so there may be a neighbor with a suitable property who is willing to participate as well. If your property is suitable, we will help you obtain the special permits issued by VDGIF for harvesting deer out of season.